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Closer Than We Think

We are One
There is no Time
There is no Space
Those we miss are
Closer than we think

Last night I dreamed I was sharing flyers about Dharma Center. I rode a bicycle that would turn into a motorcycle whenever I needed some extra power. (I love how dreams instantly give you what you need!) After distributing flyers throughout Orange County, I followed the signs to get on the freeway to head up to Los Angeles.

The signs lead me on a narrow, curving ramp with steep drop-offs that was like going downhill on a roller-coaster. At the bottom, instead of being on the freeway, I found myself in a beach parking lot in an area resembling Big Sur. There were lots of people, so I started handing out flyers.

A woman walked up to me to get one, and Rama was standing next to her. As she took the flyer from me, she told me how much she missed Rama. Even though they were clearly together, she didn’t know who he was. I looked over at him, and he winked.

She read the flyer and then showed it to her friend who was really Rama. He nodded and smiled. She told me how excited she was to learn about Dharma Center, and again went on and on about how much she missed Rama.

“Well, I guess that’s why I would up here,” I said. “I thought I was getting on the freeway.”

Rama replied, “They really need to fix those signs, huh?”

He laughed and then I woke up.

Rama, Dr Frederick Lenz
Rama meditating


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Published inRamaShort Story