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Turiya Dhara Posts

Causes and Conditions

This world, including us, arises from causes and conditions. These innumerable causes and conditions swirl and mix, creating infinite variations. We can think of causes like rocks dropped in a pond. This in turn creates conditions, which extend from where the rock hits the water, rippling out in all directions.…

Space for Balance

The energy of the Equinox ushers us into a time of balance, yet with the non-stop spinning of life, we don’t always appreciate the balance gifted by Mother Nature. We see the new buds beginning to burst, and we feel the rush of Spring. Perhaps new projects and adventures beckon…

Gift of Light

[March 2024 – Dharma Center Mindfulness Tip] We live in the most amazing and fantastic world, yet most of the people we run into don’t know it. They live humdrum, boring lives, doing the same thing in the same way each and every day. They don’t notice the magic of…

Instability and Support

[January 2024 – Dharma Center Mindfulness Tip]  We crave stability and security. Our mind creates an artificial sense of security by manufacturing the illusion that how we currently perceive the world is how it’s always been. Yet we know our world and our perception are inherently unstable. We and everything…