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7 Days of Power

In Trikaya Buddhism, there are seven Days of Power. While we sometimes celebrate days that are significant in other traditions, these particular days have a special importance to our path.

First, what is a Day of Power?

A Day of Power occurs when an access point to a certain type of dimension opens, making it easier to connect with that energy or quality. Remember, power is the ability to perceive. So a Day of Power is an opportunity to perceive something that might be obscured on other days.

What are the 7 Days of Power?

In Trikaya Buddhism, we observe seven different dates throughout the year: the two Equinoxes, the two Solstices, Rama’s birthday (February 9) and Rama’s passing (April 12) as he is the Teacher whose work laid the foundations of Trikaya Buddhism, and finally our own personal birthday.

On each of the Equinoxes, we have the opportunity to peer into Equanimity without obstruction. While we can always tap into the quality of equanimity, it is much easier to perceive this particular energy when the planet as a whole is resting in this dimension.

The Summer Solstice allows us to view the dimension of Compassion, the movement of Light in this world. With the longest day of the year, we can tap into the energy of Becoming, which can help us accomplish our goals.

The Winter Solstice brings into view Wisdom, the stillness of the Void. The shortest day of the year opens a doorway to unconditioned potential, where anything is possible. This is the perfect moment to explore the expanse of Emptiness. From this void, we are inspired to consider our true nature as well as what we wish to experience and create in this world. Rama considered the Winter Solstice to be the most powerful of all days.

On Rama’s birthday, February 9, we celebrate the birth of a Buddha. We honor all that Rama did to awaken others, we revere all the Buddhas who have come before us, and we acknowledge the Buddha nature inherent within each one of us.

On the day of Rama’s death, April 12, we cherish the formlessness of Enlightenment. Unencumbered by the physical body, Rama’s energy permeates all realms of existence. This line into the purity of Enlightenment shines bright on this day, opening a doorway for all who look.

The day we were born provides an opportunity to view our personal dharma. We can see the river of karma, pulling us into our habitual patterns with clarity. Beyond the river of karma, we can connect with our Dharma – the Truth of our Being. On our birthday, it is easier to find clarity about what has brought us into physical manifestation in this world, and what we want to do with our precious life.

Again, all of these energies are always available every day. But on a Day of Power, it is easier to access these particular dimensions and embody the qualities they emanate.

Celebrating Days of Power

To celebrate the seven Days of Power, we often travel to a Power Spot. A power spot is a place where, you guessed it, certain dimensions are easier to access. In essence, we double the power by visiting a place of power on a day of power.

If we don’t go to a place of power, we can still access the energies available on a Day of Power. Also, while we call it a Day of Power, the actual opening typically lasts for a week before and a week after the exact day. In other words, we have room to be flexible.

Whether we are in what is considered to be an ordinary place or we are in a power spot, we tap into the dimensions available to us through meditation. It can be helpful to take a moment to reflect upon the special qualities of the day before we sit in silence. For the remainder of the day, as is the core of our practice, we Pay Attention. We watch all that arises and falls away. We allow the Light to do with us what it will, and trust that we will find ourselves doing all that needs to be done.

Learn More

Please join us in celebrating the seven Days of Power during the coming year as part of the path of Trikaya Buddhism. Visit the Dharma Center website for the current meeting times for all of our events and meditation classes.

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Published inBuddha Lessons / Mindfulness

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