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Tears of Love

Into this pain,
I take the pain of all others.
Into this sorrow,
I take the sorrow of all others.

With tears of love
I let this pain and sorrow
burn through every dark corner,
illuminating every shadow.

My heart cracks
as anger and hate
attempt to swallow the pain and sorrow.
Into this anger,
I take the anger of all others.
Into this hate,
I take the hate of all others.

With tears of love
I let this anger and hate
burn through every inch of my being.
The flames reduce me to ash.
My strength crumples.

I wail for God.

Behind my wet glassy eyes
She is there
as always
radiating Joy
laughing as I cry
showing me we and all others
are One.

She blows away the ashes.
My heart mended with gold
the hate,
the anger,
the sorrow,
the pain
into pure and perfect Peace.


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Published inPoetry


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