[December 2023 – Dharma Center Mindfulness Tip]
As the Winter Solstice approaches, the power of the shifting Earth tumbles through me. Rapture and rupture alternate as this world is torn asunder.
Within the mind-streams of billions of people, choices are being made. Some cling to the old models, ushering in wave after wave of sorrow and strife. Others reach out into the unknown, touching the formless Light. Some cry for the Goddess to reveal Herself. Most stand inwardly paralyzed, moving through motions based in habit and fear.
A few have tumbled through the show enough times, and in full control of the focus of their mind, they surrender. Using the practice as the nexus of their relative world, they dive deep into Awareness. Releasing the desire to control anything, they see what is beneath beyond within the story and Awaken.
Are you ready to embrace the Light that IS you? Meet us at Dharma Center of Trikaya Buddhism for meditation, discussion, and community.