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Writing has always been a part of my Path. In addition to the words I share on this blog, I’ve written some books for you. Enjoy the journey!

A spiritual memoir of mystic adventures through Arches, India, and Enlightened mind:
Bare Feet Bare Soul: Mystic Dancing with the Divine

The teachings of joy and peace at your fingertips:
Unreasonable Joy: Awakening through Trikaya Buddhism

For anyone dealing with physical, mental, or spiritual pain:
Peace with Pain: Your Guide to Life in a Malfunctioning Body

A fun, easy to read story for friends curious about the spiritual path:
Worlds of Power, Worlds of Light: Meeting an American Buddha

Thought provoking tips to encourage teens to contemplate and discuss:
The Awkward Years: 64 Tips for Surviving High School

A compact, easy to read guide on the basics of Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency
Get Started with Cryptocurrency: Non-Technical Guide to Decentralized Digital Money

Explore the mystic worlds of Arches, India, and Enlightened mind in Bare Feet Bare Soul: Mystic Dancing with the Divine

Read more about Bare Feet Bare Soul

Dive into the teachings of Joy and Peace with tools you can use today in Unreasonable Joy: Awakening through Trikaya Buddhism

Read more about Unreasonable Joy


Explore the world of self-discovery in Worlds of Power, Worlds of Light: Meeting an American Buddha and find your own spiritual path.

Read more about Worlds of Power, Worlds of Light

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Feeling pain? Then you may find Peace with Pain: Your Guide to Life in a Malfunctioning Body very helpful.

Read more about Peace with Pain

Quick conversation starters for teens and parents are found in The Awkward Years: 64 Tips for Surviving High School

Read more about The Awkward Years

Get Started with Cryptocurrency: Non-Technical Guide to Decentralized Digital Money

Read more about Get Started with Cryptocurrency