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Peace with Pain

Peace With Pain: Your Guide to Life in a Malfunctioning Body by Jenna Sundell
In a body that HURTS

In a body thats EXHAUSTED

There is JOY


There is PEACE

Your Guide to Life in a Malfunctioning Body

Can you be happy and at peace when your body is screaming in pain? YES! There may not be a cure for your physical condition, but there is a way out of the anguish and misery. With the tools in Peace with Pain, you’ll discover how to create a joyful and productive life despite the malfunctions of the body. This simple path of focused meditation, mindfulness, and pacing can be followed by anyone who is suffering. Meditation is the foundation of the practice; mindfulness allows you to gain control of your time and life; and pacing all of life’s activities keeps you moving forward on the path to peace. Rather than propose a cure for pain and illness, Peace with Pain opens a doorway into the beauty and ecstasy found only in full awareness of the present moment. This book for people with chronic pain is about living with and using your body efficiently as it is, right now.

Peace With Pain Excerpt: Tips for dealing with pain flares

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Here’s what others are saying about Peace with Pain:

“It’s unlike any other book on Fibromyalgia and pain I’ve seen. It goes into great depth and offers a lot of useful information and detail for people with chronic pain.”
                  – Dr. Stacey Schulman (Rheumatologist, Scripps Clinic)

“This book is filled with great information. I have a list of patients I want to share it with.”
            -Ann Carson, PhD., N.P. (Psychologist & Pain Management Expert)

“Healing from chronic illness requires healing in all planes of the human experience – the physical, emotional, psychological, and spiritual levels of existence. Peace with Pain guides us to a path of healing through the practice of self-discovery. Jenna shares her story, and through it, shows us how to begin a process of “taking action.” She demonstrates the need to look to ourselves, and not just outwards to others for a cure. She teaches acceptance and a level of surrendering, but not to give up. She teaches how to navigate the modern world of medicine and doctor-patient relationships, and yet how to maintain a relationship with our own health. This simple, practical guide provides depth, detail and a moving story that speaks to those who are suffering. Through her own true health, Jenna shows us how to begin the discovery of finding Peace with Pain”
              -Christine A. Mitchell, DO, NMMOMM, FP

“I really enjoyed your book. I found it very interesting. I read it sitting at a park at the New Bedford waterfront. I didn’t want anything to distract me. I found the section on focusing on an object, to clear your mind of unpleasant or worrisome things, to be the most helpful for me. I especially find it great to fall asleep at night. I was not sleeping very much due to pain and stressful thoughts. I now have trained myself to focus on something and every time I get away from that thought, I force myself back to it. I do hope other people try it.”
           ~Lora Farley, chronic pain patient

More Reviews from

5.0 out of 5 stars Great intro to meditation and deep info on dealing with pain
By Woman Monk on August 3, 2018
Format: Paperback

I bought the book from the author at an event and it stayed on a shelf, with an idea I would give it to someone sometime who was dealing with pain. That someday will be soon, so beforehand, I read through the book and found it exceeded my expectations on several fronts. The kindness and helpfulness of the sections about living with pain without losing out to it, and the brief, very clear, and powerful descriptions of some simple and appropriate meditations. The “opposites” description is the best and easiest teaching on the Tonglen technique I have ever heard or read, and it’s an extremely helpful way to deal with pain whether physical or mental. Even people who already meditate could benefit from this book, if they are dealing with long term medical conditions and pain. I highly recommend this book.

5.0 out of 5 stars I have an old motorcycle crash injury that has been getting worse as i age but a limp is not so …
By Stefan A. Jonsonon February 27, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

What others have to deal with can be so humbling. I have an old motorcycle crash injury that has been getting worse as i age but a limp is not so invasive as what Jenna has to deal with. Her coaching listed here can be so helpful, please give it a read and learn to live your life as she has done!

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent book
By Jackie J. on February 26, 2018
Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

I don’t have the specific problems that the author talks about but this book still spoke to me. I have a lot of physical and emotional pain and having a mindful approach to how I use my body and a positive view of life helps me a lot. Jenna Sundell’s chapter-ending exercises serve as a wonderful guide when I forget what to do for myself. I will read it again and again as a resource.

5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent!
on October 14, 2017
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
Ms Sundell has dealt with chronic pain for 20 years. She has learned to deal with it through her spiritual practice. She shares her experiences and provides exercises to help others to deal with the pain that they are experiencing.

5.0 out of 5 stars Beautiful, powerful, inspiring, practical and revolutionary
on June 8, 2017
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Thank you for writing Peace with Pain. It is beautiful, powerful, inspiring, practical and revolutionary. I’ve been living with chronic pain for many years and this book both puts words to lessons I’ve learned for myself and shows ways to be happier and more at ease, even with the pain.

5.0 out of 5 stars The wisdom in this book is priceless! If you …
on April 3, 2017
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
The wisdom in this book is priceless! If you have chronic pain, or know somebody who does, this book is for you (or them).

5.0 out of 5 stars Thumbs up!
on October 4, 2015
Format: Paperback
I am rereading this great book for a second time. It is filled with practical and useful ways of living, managing and thriving with chronic pain.
After reading this book I have made modifications to my life based on some of Jenna’s suggestions. I particularly find meditation and living a mindful existence when pain flare ups occur to be imperative. I would highly recommend reading this book if you are living with chronic pain and want to get the most out of life!

5.0 out of 5 stars A guide to life.
on September 4, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
The author opens up and uses her personal experience to help us understand what people with chronic conditions have to deal with everyday. She boldly shares her own story while advising, coaching, and urging us to higher awareness.
We all experience pain in life, and the template offered here is useful in learning to manage and accept the difficult circumstances in which we find ourselves. Everyone can learn something from this book. The methods for meditation and mindfulness encourage us to engage our own spirit to transcend difficulties and obstacles.
Easy to read, insightful, and inspiring.

5.0 out of 5 stars Fantastic book!
on March 6, 2015
Format: Paperback
This book is wonderful – it’s a treasure trove of deep insights, specific tips, helpful practices, and life altering wisdom. The secret is that it’s not only for people in physical pain; meditation and mindfulness as described here work for any kind of pain – mental, emotional, physical, spiritual, etc. I don’t have chronic pain, and I found the book to be immensely useful. It’s also easy to read – the author uses very straightforward, simple language to impart all kinds of wonderfully helpful information. There are little gems scattered throughout the book, like how you can’t change other people, only your own mind. (If everyone truly understood that and acted from that knowledge, what a different world we would live in!) As the author says, it’s not a book to read once and set aside, it’s a book to return to as a manual, a guide towards a happier, higher life. I would recommend it to anyone interested in meditation and mindfulness. For people in chronic pain there are also chapters on pacing your body, dealing with disability insurance, various specific diagnoses, working with doctors, how to address your pain with friends and family, etc. The author gives a lot of specific examples from her own experiences, which are very useful to read. As she states, this path isn’t easy, but as written here it is simple and straightforward.

5.0 out of 5 stars I like it. It’s a helpful guide.
on March 3, 2015
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
Pretty happy with the book so far. It has fluid style and a very genuine feel to it. This is obviously not written from a theoretical perspective. This is from an author who has pain and has developed methods– not to overcome it per se– but instead to use the experiences to move forward in life. I suffer from polycystic kidney disease, a condition that is not a cause of continuous pain, but one that becomes quite debilitating upon flare-ups. I am very thankful to have found this book and am eagerly learning the techniques described. I also like sharing in the stories that somehow strike a healthy balance between acknowledging how much feeling lousy sucks and not simply getting sucked in by self-pity.

5.0 out of 5 stars After each chapter you get a set of action items – a bit like a college book with a quiz at the end …
on March 1, 2015
Format: Paperback

There are a few books about using meditation to manage chronic pain and disability. What sets this book apart is that it is right there where the rubber meets the road. As soon as you get past the forewords you get right into down to earth instructions on how to meditate. After each chapter you get a set of action items – a bit like a college book with a quiz at the end of the chapter only here it is applying the knowledge that you have just learned.

Meditation works whether you are spiritual and religious or not. The only drawback with this approach is that you actually have to do it – you cant just read about it or theorize. It is not like popping a pill and getting instant relief. This is not a book for getting a good feeling while you are reading it then forgetting it all once you put it down. It serves as a reference manual for the actions you need to do to manage your life with chronic pain. To make use of it, you need to make a choice to work at it in a single minded way. If you have made that choice this book will show you what to do.

Get your copy of Peace with Pain today!