This world is our proving ground for the teachings — perhaps a harsh way to learn Truth, but I know of no faster way to weed out the delusions that we are higher and happier than we really are.
Adventures in Practical Trikaya Buddhism
This world is our proving ground for the teachings — perhaps a harsh way to learn Truth, but I know of no faster way to weed out the delusions that we are higher and happier than we really are.
Let go of all notions, all thoughts, all ideas Allow the wave of self to dissolve back into the ocean of infinite awareness…
It is not: “How do I accept this?” It is: “How did I accept this?” I would love to see your responses in the comments! I’ll give you mine in a few weeks…
If people are honest, we respect them even if we don’t like what they’re saying or doing. If we are honest with ourselves, we create self-respect, even if we don’t like what we’ve been saying or doing. By cultivating self-respect, we begin to make decisions that honor ourselves. Through…
Sometimes people forget the spiritual path is happy and fun… If you’re practicing and it’s not happy or fun, then perhaps it’s time to do something different. Instead of trying so hard to be spiritual, concentrate on connecting with your inner Joy and create a life that is happy…
Do not be attached to the goal. We create goals for the fun of it. Reaching the goal is not important. What is important is our attitude as we strive towards the goal. We do our best to achieve the goal, and we give our striving and the results of…
You cannot have the past to change. You cannot have the future to hold. All you can have is the present – And you already have it, right now.
I am nobody Although sometimes because of the things Eternity does through me, People think I am Somebody. Being Somebody is hard. All the ideas, concepts, and expectations pushed upon me from outside, and if I believe for even a second that I am Somebody, Those ideas, concepts, and…
Liberation is only the beginning Once you are free from suffering caused by attachment There are endless, beautiful planes of Awareness to explore. To get through the door, You must release all baggage. There is no room under the seat There are no overhead bins No cargo area. No…
Eternity speaks to us through the heart. Our challenge is to learn how to listen when the mind is chattering away. The ego knows habits and fears, and acts out of self-preservation. The heart knows only love. The heart seeks nothing because it is everything – it is Unity –…