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What a relief to know
I am no one special
What a relief to know
I am exactly where I need to be
What a relief to know
I am a small yet vital cog
   in the machinery of Life
   as the dance of Light
What a relief to know
I am free
to do the work before me
to love with all my heart
to be completely open
I do not need to be Anyone
other than

Please also enjoy this video I created from one of my dharma talks, titled “Someone Is Suffering.” This was recorded live at Dharma Center on 6/29/2019

Published inPoetry


  1. Gina George Gina George

    Hi Jenna,
    I enjoyed your poem and your novel and interesting approach to getting people to approach becoming no one. No doubt becoming No One is the answer to all suffering! Rama’s influence is apparent. I recall him saying that we should all become friends with our various selves… I guess to nullify their effect on us, so that we could go beyond to seeing that we are No One. Your expansion of this approach, surely will help students realize, just maybe, that they are indeed No One – no one in particular. How freeing is that!

  2. Ros Reynolds Ros Reynolds

    What a fabulous dharma talk for me to listen to this morning. I’m in the process of moving and contemplating my life in this place and how my view of life has been influenced by my environment and how my persona in this community was affected by this location. I’m moving from an isolated area into the hub of activity with neighbors all around and no doubt my persona here will change as I become more integrated into the community.

    This talk reminded me to watch that development with interest and welcome it consciously. Thank you Jenna.

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