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Re-evaluation & Re-valuation

Perhaps it’s because of autumn and the leaves falling, or perhaps because it’s my birthday month, or maybe there’s something that happens with the celestial pull of the stars, but every November I find myself in a time of reevaluation. Or maybe the right word is revaluation?

In any case, I cannot help but take a critical look at my life. This time of years makes me ask, what’s working? What’s not? Is this worth my time? And, what is my time worth? And of course the big question we all face: What is the point of all this?

As I re-evaluate what I’m doing, I’m also re-valuating my very existence in this plane.

Long ago, before I had a stable spiritual practice, November would make me moody – which is my way of hiding from my internal freak out. Back then, taking an honest look at my life, my relationships, and my self was downright scary! There were things I simply didn’t want to see and acknowledge.

Now I actually look forward to this time of introspection. I see it for what it really is: an opportunity to cut through patterns of behavior and embrace what actually is.

Secret Mix

My secret to move through the fear is to mix honesty with equal parts of ruthlessness and curiosity. With this blend, I’ve found I can face the deep shadows, the silly obsessions, and the hard truths of what I am currently capable of doing. More importantly, I can see past what I think I “should” be doing and reach into what it is that feeds my spirit.

We all have things we have to do to maintain our bodies and we all have things we want to do while experiencing life in these bodies. When I do this yearly reevaluation, I can bring these activities into balance. And in the process, I automatically revalue myself – and each time I discover what we all are: priceless!

As the leaves begin to turn gold, allow yourself the time to turn inward and reevaluate. Join us for meditation and discussions on mindfulness at Dharma Center to move your practice and life into brighter and happier levels.

Published inBuddha Lessons / Mindfulness