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Category: Poetry

What Are You?

Wind, Earth, Water of the rivers and sea Fire of the sun and stars All contained within Me. Spirit animating Life yearning to be free The stillness of Death All contained within Me. Infinite space, Nothingness, Limitless Consciousness Emptiness is key The perfection beyond feeling and perception All contained within…

3 Short Poems

Rain Storm Rain dowses the earth The ground is unsettled Quakes, floods, mudslides Disrupt the routine of human life Mother is clearing away the stale energy Wind tears through blockages Leaving us and the trees bare Loss A friend fell over in the mud He was long dead but stood…

Wax and Wick

  Wax and wick Smoke and flame Swirl within the glass Nearing the end The work is complete Blue and white-gold Dancing; flashes of orange-red From seen to unseen to seen So goes the flow of Light and power Love is the One Power Love is the Law Appearances fade…


  I am nobody Although sometimes because of the things Eternity does through me, People think I am Somebody. Being Somebody is hard. All the ideas, concepts, and expectations pushed upon me from outside, and if I believe for even a second that I am Somebody, Those ideas, concepts, and…

Patterns of Light

  Watching the world is like looking through a kaleidoscope: Beautiful, intricate patterns of Light with every turn of the wheel. … I surrender And realize I am those patterns, ever spinning.

Haiku for George

for me, one death (even of a fish) always brings remembrances of other deaths. Last night as I contemplated death and loss, a haiku came to me: George, blue fish swimming Here once, now gone, love remains Joy having known you ~jenna  


Like stars, we shinefor anyone who wants to look. Progress – our own or that of others – is none of our business. Our job is simply to Shine.