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Turiya Dhara Posts

7 Days of Power

In Trikaya Buddhism, there are seven Days of Power. While we sometimes celebrate days that are significant in other traditions, these particular days have a special importance to our path. First, what is a Day of Power? A Day of Power occurs when an access point to a certain type…

What Is the Trikaya?

[2024 December DCTB Mindfulness Tip]  There are innumerable pathways to Enlightenment, which gives us many options to explore. Spiritual shopping is fun and a necessary prerequisite to serious study. However, in order to successfully find our way through the confusion of Samsara – of cyclic existence, we need to pick…

Consistency Is Essential

[2024 November DCTB Mindfulness Tip]  To make progress on the spiritual path – or in any endeavor – consistency is essential. Consistency has a dual meaning and both connotations are important to consider. The Oxford Dictionary defines consistency: con·sist·en·cy   /kənˈsistnsē/noun 1. conformity in the application of something, typically that which…

Follow the Yes

[2024 September DCTB Mindfulness Tip]  What if you say YES to every aspect of your life? How would that feel? What could you accomplish? Our mind is much more comfortable saying No. No is predictable. No keeps us following the same tracks. No gives us a sense of security. No…

The Pain of Change

[2024 August DCTB Mindfulness Tip] The pain of change is undeniable. But where does this pain come from? We know everything is transitory. Every day the sun sets and night reveals the stars, only to have the sun rise once again. Clouds form and disperse; the sky above our heads…

Causes and Conditions

[2024 June DCTB Mindfulness Tip]  This world, including us, arises from causes and conditions. These innumerable causes and conditions swirl and mix, creating infinite variations. We can think of causes like rocks dropped in a pond. This in turn creates conditions, which extend from where the rock hits the water,…

Space for Balance

[2024 April DCTB Mindfulness Tip]  The energy of the Equinox ushers us into a time of balance, yet with the non-stop spinning of life, we don’t always appreciate the balance gifted by Mother Nature. We see the new buds beginning to burst, and we feel the rush of Spring. Perhaps…