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Category: Buddha Lessons / Mindfulness

Morning Smile

Every night my body turns and turns and turns, hunting for a comfortable position. Exhaustion finally takes over, and I drift off to sleep… for about twenty minutes. Then the turning begins again. At dawn, the sunlight wakes me from my half-asleep, somewhat restful state. And I smile. It’s not…

One Life

We appear in this body, in this set of circumstances only once. This life is unique. The aggregates composing what we call the jiva or soul bounces from life to life, yet our personality structure and what we face right now, happens in its own unique moment in time. When…

The Energy Body: 3-part Series

During my classes at Dharma Center, I often get many questions that ultimately relate to the Energy Body, also known at the subtle-physical body. This part of us is contained by our most powerful sense-organ, the mind. Join me this month to learn all about your 6th sense and more!